Facing Old Patterns

This Sunday we'll welcome an old friend back to our church! Former FBCT Minister to High School Students Dr. Tyler Core returns to First Baptist to...


This Sunday we'll conclude our summer message series in the book of Philippians, finishing up the final chapter in Paul's letter to the church at...

Strength and Happiness

As we continue our study in the book of Philippians, this Sunday we'll move to chapter 4, seeking God's Word to see how serving Him can reduce our...

The Best Ever!

As we continue our study in the book of Philippians, this Sunday we'll remain in chapter 3, discovering how to make the most impact with our lives.


As we continue our study in the book of Philippians, this Sunday we move to chapter 3, focusing on verses 1-11 to discover how we maintain our joy...

Either Or

As we continue our study in the book of Philippians, we'll remain in Chapter 2, looking at verses 12-30. Here we'll discover how God helps us live...

The Accurate Example

As we continue our study in the book of Philippians, we'll continue in Chapter 2 to discover how God changes us who we are through Christ.

Get Along

This Sunday is Father's Day, and we'll certainly take a moment to celebrate dads this Sunday in worship. But as we continue our study on the book of...

The Big Picture

This Sunday we continue a summer message series on the book of Philippians, a letter from the Apostle Paul devoted almost entirely to the subject of...

Let's Just Get Along

This Sunday we begin a summer message series in study of the book of Philippians. There is so much to unpack from this letter written by the Apostle...

Finding Truth

This Sunday we'll conclude our message series on hearing the voice of God. How can we filter the "voices" we hear to be sure what we are hearing is...

How Does He Speak?

We probably all agree, hearing God's voice in today's world is extremely important. ...

A Hearing Heart

We’d all like to hear from God. ...

Teach Us Your Ways

Psalm 100 says it all: 1 Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. 2 Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. 3 Know that...

It's Natural?

The prophet Isaiah was given an amazing, divinely appointed opportunity. ...

The Presence of God In Prayer: Don’t Miss It!

God has given us the ability and freedom to speak to Him whenever we want or need to. ...

The Portrait

This Sunday we begin a new study looking into one of God's promises, that according to Jeremiah 29:13, when we seek God with all of our heart we will...

The Change

It was the greatest victory ever won! ...

The Big Reveal

It would be the last time Jesus entered Jerusalem before His crucifixion. "Hosannas" filled the air and palm branches lined the streets as the...

The Price

This Sunday we'll be in 2nd chapter of Luke as Pastor Buddy continues our Family Values series. ...


One of the joys and challenges of marriage is raising children. It's a privilege to foster the next generation, bringing them up and nurturing them...

Home Fires Burning!

On average, we as Americans spend over $20 billion each year on home security systems, keeping the bad guys away and our homes safe. Protecting where...

Intentional Parenting

Whoever said parenting is easy was telling a story. Few things are as rewarding as being a parent, but likewise there are few things as challenging....

Creation Defined

This Sunday morning we begin a new message series on the family, exploring what it means to build a strong and healthy family God's way, and how to...
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