Campaign Details
Our Sacrifice Today for the Next Generation
The proposed solution to our space problem is a new 32,500 sq ft building. This building will house our Middle School students and consider the anticipated growth expected into our community and school system. This building will also offer multi-purpose space for many other ministries during the week giving them room to grow.
To see the full MVMT Together Campaign booklet, with all the details, download it below!
The Campaign
A Message From Our Pastor
If you Google the definition of “sacrifice” the results that appear will be “an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to God.” If your mind is like mine, then your first thought is how grateful we are that Christ was our once-and-for-all sacrifice for our sins! There is never a need to sacrifice an animal for God’s forgiveness. That is good news!
Then our mind quickly continues to “surrendering a possession as an offering to God.” This booklet reflects an opportunity for the body of Christ to be an offering to God that is pleasing and acceptable to Him. Christ sacrificed Himself for us and now we can join together and sacrifice for the next generation. This is an honor and a privilege.
As we enter this journey of 40 days of prayer and fasting, we are seeking to “surrender” all that we have to Him. His desire is to manage our hearts, minds, bodies, soul, possessions, family… well you get the point... in a way that pleases Him.
One (we are praying there are many) of the results of this time of prayer is that every one of us make a sacrificial commitment to give over and above our normal gifts to MVMT Together. This is a three-year commitment that will enable us to reach another generation for Christ.
Jesus sacrificed Himself so we could have an abundant life and life eternal. May each one of us follow His example and truly “sacrifice” in a way that pleases Him. Please review the potential of this project in the following pages and pray about what God wants you to do.
It is going to be an awesome journey!
Your Pastor,
The Current Situation
Middle School
Our Middle School Space – located in the basement of Building C, The Richard E. Francis Building – was renovated several years ago to help with the growing number of middle school students. Since then, this space has become insufficient to hold the explosive growth of this age group. Due to overcrowding, our Middle School Ministry has been unable to use this space on Wednesday evenings for hangout and worship. They’ve joined with the High School Ministry to help alleviate the congestion in their area for the time being. Unfortunately, this isn’t a long-term solution.
The small group space on Sundays is cramped for many of their classes and there are limited options to make more space.
Our Preteen Ministry is experiencing strong growth, spreading beyond the walls of their current small group space. The anticipated long- range growth reflected in the Trussville City Schools projection for this elementary age is not slowing down any time soon. The current Trussville City Schools Enrollment is 5,024 students. Local enrollment projections show an estimated increase of 2.3% over the next 10 years if our community does not experience any new growth. This is an opportunity for which we need to be ready.
Our adult classes, particularly at 9:15, are in need of larger classrooms for small groups. The campus is completely full in their small groups spaces during the Sunday morning 9:15 hour.
We are having difficulty finding office space to accommodate our current staff as well as the equipment needed to resource the entire campus.
Floor Plans
So will you help us?
With your help we can reach the next generation for Christ at First Baptist Trussville!