Campaign Schedule

Sunday, March 2

MVMT Together Begins
Pastor Buddy will share the entirety of the MVMT Together Campaign.

Tuesday, March 4

40 Days of Prayer Begins
Together as a church, we will begin 40 Days of Prayer seeking God’s direction for each of our lives through total surrender to His will. Using the spiral bound MVMT Together Prayer Guide, follow along and devote daily time to scripture reading and prayer.

March 4, 11, 18, 25; April 1, 8

Corporate Fasting Days
Joining together as the Church to fast and pray for surrender, renewal, and clarity. We’ll corporately begin a fast after dinner each Tuesday until we come together on Wednesday to enjoy dinner on campus. Make sure you’ve read through the Guide To Fasting and Prayer on this site prior to any fasting. Our Sanctuary will be open on Wednesday from 11:30-1:00 for you to come and pray.

Friday, April 11 - Saturday, April 12

24 Hours of Prayer On Campus
From Friday, April 11 at 6pm until Saturday, April 12 6pm, we will come on campus in large groups and pray through different prayer stations starting at the site of the new building. Join others as we take a prayer walk through campus to prepare our hearts for Commitment Sunday on April 13.

Saturday, April 12

Celebration Dinner
Join us as we come together as a church family to share a meal and reflect on our journey of fasting and prayer.

Sunday, April 13

Commitment Sunday
The church will gather and bring to the altar our sacrificial commitments. These will be in the form of one-time gifts, pledge cards for future gifts, and other initial gifts for a three year commitment.

Sunday, April 27

Celebration Sunday
We will celebrate together what God has done through all of us!