England Mission Trip
A Mission trip offered to Seniors only. The cost of the trip is $2600 with a $250 deposit due upon registration. If you have any questions...
ONE I pray that my child will communicate openly with me. |
SEVEN I pray that my child will respect teachers and authority in a Godly way. |
TWO I pray that my child will resist negative peer pressure. |
EIGHT I pray that my child will work up to his or her potential. |
THREE I pray that my child will not fall into temptation through outside influences. |
NINE I pray that my child will develop confidence in the Lord. |
FOUR I pray that my child will not be attracted to the wrong types of friendships. |
TEN I pray that my child will discover and develop his or her gifts. |
FIVE I pray that my child will be inclusive and not exclude others. |
ELEVEN I pray that my child will think before acting. |
SIX I pray that my child will focus in the classroom and grow in wisdom through God’s Word. |
TWELVE I pray for physical and emotional protection for my child. |