The Presence of God In Prayer: Don’t Miss It!

God has given us the ability and freedom to speak to Him whenever we want or need to. ...

The Portrait

This Sunday we begin a new study looking into one of God's promises, that according to Jeremiah 29:13, when we seek God with all of our heart we will...

The Change

It was the greatest victory ever won! ...

The Big Reveal

It would be the last time Jesus entered Jerusalem before His crucifixion. "Hosannas" filled the air and palm branches lined the streets as the...

The Price

This Sunday we'll be in 2nd chapter of Luke as Pastor Buddy continues our Family Values series. ...


One of the joys and challenges of marriage is raising children. It's a privilege to foster the next generation, bringing them up and nurturing them...

Home Fires Burning!

On average, we as Americans spend over $20 billion each year on home security systems, keeping the bad guys away and our homes safe. Protecting where...

Intentional Parenting

Whoever said parenting is easy was telling a story. Few things are as rewarding as being a parent, but likewise there are few things as challenging....

Creation Defined

This Sunday morning we begin a new message series on the family, exploring what it means to build a strong and healthy family God's way, and how to...

Operating Procedures

You probably know Philippians 4:13 by heart... I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. ...

Who Me?

This Sunday we continue our Keep The Change message series, looking at the possessions God has given us. ...

Life of Significance

This Sunday we continue our Keep The Change message series, looking at the possessions God has given us. ...

Watchful Eyes

This Sunday we continue a message series on the blessings that come from obedience in an important area of our lives. ...

The Big Picture

This Sunday we begin a message series on the blessings that come from obedience in an important area of our lives. ...

We Are One Body In Christ

This Sunday we will be joined by Dr. Jamie Dew, President of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Dew will be our key speaker for this...

Why Church?

Pastor Buddy looks at the importance of being a part of a local church.

2023 And Me!

We'll have one worship service as we begin the new year together. Come as you are and worship the King of kings as we begin 2023!

Dawn of Redeeming Grace

This Sunday the FBCT Worship Ministry presents its Christmas presentation, Dawn of Redeeming Grace. They lead us to the manger as they share their...


This Sunday we'll continue our message series for the Christmas season focused on the reason for our Joy: Jesus, the joy of our salvation!

The Gift of Love

Pastor Buddy continues our God With Us series and teaches to us today from Like 2:1-7. He will teach to us about Love!

Begins With Hope!

This Sunday Pastor Buddy begins a message series for the Christmas season focused on the reason for our Hope: Immanuel—God With Us. ...

Total Access

This Sunday we conclude our study of Psalm 139 and God's presence in our lives. ...

He Is Able

This Sunday we'll focus on Psalm 139:17-22, discussing ways we connect with God, what "His ways" are, and how to enhance His presence in our lives.

Made For One Another

This Sunday we continue our study of Psalm 139 and God's presence in our lives. God created us to have a relationship with Him, and through that...
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