Student Ministry FAQs
Where is the Student Ministry Office?
The Student Ministry offices are located on the bottom floor of Building D. If you have any questions or need to set up a meeting, please send us a message using the Contact form below.
How do I register for an event?
The best way to sign up for events is to visit the church website:
What is the best way to know what is going on in the student ministry?
Make sure that you are signed up for the REMIND text system and our weekly parent emails. If you would like to be added to our email list, please .
How do I get involved as a parent volunteer?
Your best involvement is in encouraging and challenging your son/ daughter to be involved in the ministry of the church. We would also enjoy having you involved in the following ways:
- Praying fervently for students in the ministry and the student staff.
- Serve as a greeter on Wednesday nights.
- Serve in a small group.
- Be available for all big events.
How can I get my son/daughter more involved in church?
When a student is connected to other students, they will be involved. Our first suggestion is to encourage consistent attendance in their Sunday school group and home group. Through this venu students connect with other students of the same gender and grade.
Second, encourage your student to attend Wednesday night activities. This is a laid back way for them to meet new friends and grow deeper in the word of God.
Finally, there is no better place for students to get connected than coming to DNOW, Summer Camp, and Mission Trips. This allows students to bond with other students in a setting outside of Sunday School and the normal church building.
Upcoming Student Ministry Events

England Mission Trip