Exercise Classes
Exercise Classes
Get (or stay) in shape, right here at First Baptist!
Classes take place weekly at First Baptist Trussville. You can find the current schedule here.
- The cost is $3 per class (or $25 per month—includes all classes)
- For questions contact
Exercise Class Descriptions:
Pilates – Mondays & Wednesdays
• 8:15am – A form of exercise to promote strength, stability, & flexibility with emphasis on core.
Step with Core & Strength Training
• Mondays – 4:30pm
• Fridays – 8:15am
A fun, challenging full body workout combining cardio & strength training.
Barre Above – Tuesdays & Thursdays
• 8:15am - Fuses the very best of Pilates, aerobics, elements of ballet, and strength training. This class includes modifications for any fitness level and body type.
Total Body Strength – Tuesdays & Thursdays
• 9:20am - An Aerobic and Strength Conditioning workout class that includes circuit training, cardio exercise, and finishes with core training and stretching for a complete workout
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