The Impact of His Presence

This Sunday we continue our study of Psalm 139 and God's presence in our lives. ...

God Knows

This Sunday morning we will begin a new series in study of Psalm 139 on the presence of Christ in our lives. ...

The Walk

This Sunday morning we conclude our study on finding our identity in Christ. ...

The Father

This Sunday morning we continue our study on finding our identity in Christ. ...

Who's The Boss

This Sunday morning we begin a new study on finding our identity in Christ. ...


Sunday morning we'll turn our focus to the Lord's Table as we take part in the sacrament of communion in both worship services. Prepare your heart...

Expect the Unexpected

This Sunday we'll conclude our look into the lives of Daniel and his friends as they lived in a land that was counter to their culture of faith. ...

Pressure To Perform

This Sunday we'll continue to look into the lives of Daniel and his friends as they lived counter to the culture in their day. You've heard the story...

Wisdom For Navigating

Last Sunday we began Counter Culture, a series looking into the life of Daniel and his friends living in a foreign land. The culture around Daniel...


It's no secret that the world is becoming more and more hostile to the Gospel. The culture around us seems directly opposed to the teachings of...

Now Is The Time

This Sunday we'll welcome Shane Pruitt to be with us in morning services. ...

The Reminder

This Sunday we'll focus on "The Why" of Discipleship. We know that Jesus gave the command to "Go and make disciples," but it's important to know why....


On Wednesday, August 17th we start a church-wide emphasis on becoming and making disciples, with study classes offered on defending our faith...


Over the next three weeks we'll take a hard look at the beginnings of discipleship. ...

Hold On

This Sunday we'll conclude our summer "So That" series, looking at the outpouring of generosity we should have when God's goodness permeates our...

Pain Relief

This Sunday we'll continue our summer "So That" series, looking at joy that comes from trials. ...

Distinctively Different

This Sunday we'll continue our summer "So That" series, looking at the miracle of God's transforming power in our lives. ...

Driven For A Difference

This Sunday we'll continue our summer "So That's" series, looking at the importance of how we live our lives for the Lord. ...


This Sunday we continue our series on the "So That's" in God's Word, looking to the issue of security of our salvation: ...


This Sunday we look to the book of Philippians for our next "So That" to guide us along our summer journey. ...

Two Conversations

This Sunday our focus turns to Colossians 4 and the influence our lives have on evangelism. ...


Pastor Buddy leads on a trip through some of the “So That’s” in the Bible - instructions from our Heavenly Father to keep our lives out of the...

Running Well

This Sunday, as we're in the midst of Memorial Day Weekend, we'll turn our hearts to the past in appreciation of all those who gave their all for...

Facts of Life

This Sunday we'll honor our graduates and look to God's Word for encouragement for the transitions that come in this life. It's comforting to know...
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