Wise Waiting

This Sunday we'll conclude our series on the last days. ...

The Completion

When we think of the last days, our thoughts immediately go to the book of Revelation. However, Jesus had much to say about the end times during His...


This Sunday we continue our series on the last days. ...

Next In Line

This Sunday we'll begin a new, four-week series on the last days. ...

Easter Sunday

We will conclude our current I AM series, looking at the final description Jesus gave us concerning Himself as The Vine. ...

Good Friday

This Friday our focus turns to the cross at Calvary. Jesus bore the weight of our sin, paying our debt so that we could have fellowship with God.


There is no other way to God. Perhaps it's the biggest pill the world has to swallow when thinking about our faith. In a world that had hundreds of...


Jesus cares for us. In His earthly ministry, He spent His days here driving that point home by what He said and did. Among the many mental images...

The Most Important Question

Martha was distraught. Her brother Lazarus was dead, and she knew it didn't have to be. ...

The Invitation

This Sunday we focus on Jesus, the Gate for the Sheep ...

He Is...We Are

This Sunday we focus on Jesus, the Light of the World ...

Completion For Eternity

We begin a new message series to help us see exactly who Jesus is. ...

The Vine

We all want our lives to produce fruit for the Kingdom, and none of us want to be rendered "useless" by the Gardener, to be cut off and cast away....


This Sunday we'll hear from Jesus Himself, teaching on the things that prevent spiritual growth in our lives. Join us Sunday and have your Bibles...

Living for Jesus

This Sunday we continue our study on growing in our relationship with Christ. We'll look at 1 Corinthians 3, examining what helps us grow deeper in...

Extended Care

Life isn't always easy, and sometimes God uses our challenges to draw us closer to Him for our spiritual growth. Over the next few weeks we will look...


Over the last few weeks we've studied the prayers of our Lord recorded in scripture, seeing the importance of communication with God. ...

What To Do

Pastor Buddy continues our Let Us Pray series. ...

A Jesus Movement

This Sunday morning we'll continue our prayer series, welcoming Dr. Ronnie Floyd. ...


Today we'll begin a series on a subject we all agree is important, but perhaps don't fully understand. Jesus said "My house shall be called a house...

The Main Thing

Pastor Buddy teaches to us today from 1 Samuel 20:1-42.


We conclude our Advent series with Pastor Buddy teaching from Micah 5:2.


As we continue the Advent season together, the First Baptist Trussville Ministry of Praise leads us in worship through their Christmas presentation,...


This Sunday our focus is on the Joy Christmas brings to our lives! ...
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