

Conservatory LogoWelcome to the Conservatory!

The FBCT Conservatory is a place for students of all ages to explore the creative arts in a safe and supportive Christian environment. Currently students can study art, drums, guitar, piano, violin, cello and voice. See below for details about our instructors, what's offered, registration, and tuition and lesson policies.

Summer Camps

Summer Camps registration is open! REGISTER TODAY! Choose from Fine Arts Camp, Princess Dance Camp, Kids Art Camp and Strings Camp! Go to our Summer Camps page below for more details!Conservatory Summer Camps

Fine Arts Camp: June 9-12; 8:30am - 2:30pm daily; $225 | Register Here

Princess Dance Camp: June 16-19 & June 23-26; 9am - 12pm; $140 | Register Here

Kids Art Camp: June 16-19 & June 23-26; 1pm - 5pm; $225 | Register Here

Summer Lessons Registration

Summer lessons registration is open! Our short 6 lesson semester in the summer is a great way to keep your music skills fresh or try a new instrument or class! Our summer lessons schedule will vary from teacher to teacher.Some teachers will begin in May and others in June.

Before registering please check the dates on ACTIVE for the teacher you plan to take lessons from. ALL Summer slots are open - links will not be sent, so this is first-come, first-serve. Register soon for best selection!

Fall Registration - coming in May!

Fall registration will open in May! Our Fall semester is 16 weeks and the new semester begins the week of August

NOTE: Current students will receive a link from the Director for their specific slot. You will NOT see it on the ACTIVE site.


What's Offered



Summer Camps

Contact Info

Tuition & Payment Options

Lesson Policies
